“Congratulations to the People’s Amateur Collective Mixed Choir ‘Marsho'”
Congratulations to the People’s Amateur Collective Mixed Choir “Marsho” of the U.Dimaev RDK of the Urus-Martan Municipal District for participating in the regional stage of the All-Russian Festival of Amateur Creative Collectives of the Southern Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, DNR, and LNR in the nomination “Culture – it’s us!”. The event took place in the city of Makhachkala from May 3 to 5. The collective, under the leadership of the People’s Artist of the Chechen Republic L.Zh. Bakarayeva, took a worthy 3rd place. The festival is held as part of the National Project “Culture,” organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the State Russian House of Folk Art named after V.D. Polenov