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A series of loud readings for children “The Wise world of fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the North”

01/01/2022 0:00 - 31/01/2023 0:00

Korsakov | Municipal Autonomous Institution "Korsakov Centralized Library System"

To popularize the national traditions of the peoples of Russia within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the city children’s library of UIA “Korsakovskaya Central Library” has prepared a series of loud readings “The Wise World of Fairy Tales and Legends of the Peoples of the North”, which will be posted in 2022 in the section “Children’s Library” on the institution’s website and on the official digital platforms of the city children’s library (VKontakte, Telegram, Odnoklassniki, Rutube).
Probably, there is no person who would not have loved fairy tales as a child. Fairy tales are loved because they tell about the most exciting moments in a person’s life: about the manifestations of selflessness and envy, love and hate, about the confrontation between good and bad.
Legends and fairy tales of the peoples of the North: Nivkh, Uilta (Oroks), Nanai, Evenks – are passed down from generation to generation and reflect the culture and traditions of each epic. The wonderful world of northern fairy tales and legends will attract the attention of young readers to the culture of the peoples living on the Sakhalin land.