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Jaakko Vasilyevich Rugoev – the conscience of Karelia!

In honor of the 105th anniversary of the birth of the people’s writer of Karelia, 2nd and 3rd year students of the Department of Baltic-Finnish Philology took part in a round table.

Jaakko Rugoev is a Karelian writer, poet and prose writer. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR. People’s Writer of the Republic of Karelia. All his work – poems, novels, stories, essays – is inextricably linked with his native land and the events of his own life.
Y. Rugoev cared about the fate of the spiritual heritage of the peoples of Karelia: “Cultural traditions live throughout Karelia. The folklore wealth is especially diverse: – runes, fairy tales, proverbs, dances, music, applied arts. Our duty is to collect and preserve at least something for the younger generation entering life. After all, Karelian cultural heritage is part of world culture.”
Students watched several programs, read poetry and talked about the life and work of Yakov Vasilyevich Rugoev.