A meeting of the Council of Representatives of Karelians, Veps and Finns of the Republic of Karelia was held under in the Rapublic of Karelia
15/12/2022 15:00 - 16/12/2022 17:00
Petrozavodsk | 4, Engels str, Petrozavodsk, 185035, Russian Federation
The members of the Council discussed topical issues of socio-economic and ethno-cultural development of the indigenous peoples of Karelia. Among them, measures of state support for entrepreneurial activity on the territory of municipal districts in the Republic of Karelia included in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
Information on the results of ethnosociological studies conducted in 2022 by order of the Ministry was presented by the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State Regional Administration of the Karelian branch of the RANEPA Victor Birin. The research was conducted on the topics “Ethno–cultural and ethno-social development of indigenous peoples living in the Republic of Karelia”, “Economic and social development of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation – Veps of the Republic of Karelia”. According to the results of the research, the level of satisfaction of citizens with the results of ethno-social and ethno-cultural development of the territories of traditional residence of the indigenous peoples of Karelia is 74%.
The meeting also discussed the readiness of educational organizations in the republic to teach subjects “Native language”, “Literary reading in the native language”, “Native literature”. “Exemplary educational programs “Native (Karelian, Vepsian, Finnish) literature” for basic and secondary general education have been prepared for examination at the Federal Institute of Native Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation for inclusion in the register of exemplary educational programs of the Ministry of Education of Russia. In 2022, the content of the programs will be updated in connection with the entry into force of the updated federal state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary general education,” First Deputy Minister of Education and Sports of the Republic of Karelia Zhanna Petrova noted in her report.