Ancient art of writing
As part of the Years of Culture of Russia and China, on April 17 a presentation of the exhibition of Chinese calligraphy “Calligraphy – the Pearl of China” took place in the Art Literature Department of the Chechen Republic National Library.
The culture of the Chinese people is original, it is based on a unique worldview. Calligraphy holds a special place in Chinese culture being an integral part of its rich heritage. It is not just a way of communicating words but a sophisticated form of self-expression that requires skill, patience and deep understanding.
Readers were told about the history of calligraphy and its features during the meeting. Chief librarian Khava Galaeva noted that in China calligraphy is considered not just writing but an art that reflects a person’s inner world and character. Master calligraphers are highly regarded for their ability to convey emotions and ideas through the graceful strokes and shapes of Chinese characters.
Visitors were able to see various styles and techniques of Chinese calligraphy, including regular Kaishu script, Xingshu semi-cursive script, Lishu business script and others.
Guests also learned about the modern museum of calligraphy, which is located in Moscow. This is the only museum in the world in which the only direction of its work is calligraphic art. The museum contains unique examples of writing, masterpieces of world significance created by famous masters of calligraphy.
The presenter noted that the interest in calligraphy in the republic is very high, the interest of young people in this type of art is growing day by day. Artists Ali Saparov, Fatima Daudova, Ismail Denilkhanov have been professionally engaged in calligraphy for many years. According to Ali Saparov, calligraphy is an art that gives not only aesthetic pleasure but also the applied skill of beautiful writing. It comes in handy in life and develops a person not only technically but also psychologically and intellectually.
The event ended with a quiz “China: near and far”.