Complex scientific expedition to the Kemerovo region
August 19-30, 2023 by the Institute of Language, Literature and Art. G. Ibragimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted another comprehensive scientific expedition to the regions of compact residence of Tatars – to the Kemerovo region. The research covered four districts of the region: Yurginsky (settlements of Sarsaz, Zimnik), Yashkinsky (Yurty, Konstantinovy), Izhmorsky (Teplaya Rechka and Nizhegorodka) and Tisulsky district (Serebryakovo).
Scientists from different fields took part in the field research: linguists, folklorists, art historians, musicologists. During the expedition, the history of villages and their toponymy, dialect features, oral folk art, decorative and applied arts, song folklore and samples of Tatar dance of the Tatars living in these settlements, as well as preserved examples of Arabic books and manuscripts were studied.
The materials collected during the expeditions replenish the rich funds of the Institute’s Written Heritage Center are published in collections of the series «From the Treasury of Scientific Expeditions» and are used in the preparation of monographs. Based on the results of the work of scientists in the Kemerovo region, it is also planned to prepare and publish a special collection.