Diversity of cultures of the peoples of Russia
On September 6, a folk lesson “Diversity of cultures of the peoples of Russia” was held at the A.A. Aidamirov National Library of the Chechen Republic. The meeting was held within the framework of events dedicated to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages of the World.
Russia is one of the largest multinational states in the world, home to more than 190 peoples. They speak two hundred and seventy-seven languages. Every nation has its own culture. This is primarily language, folklore, customs, rituals, national cuisine, clothing, household items.The culture of each people living in Russia is unique, interesting and has its own national characteristics.
The participants of the meeting were told about the traditions and rituals of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation, introduced to the traditions of the Chechen people. The participants learned about the national peculiarities of the peoples living on the territory of the Chechen Republic: Tatars, Kumyks, etc.
Within the framework of the event, a quiz “Connoisseurs of folk antiquity” was held. The participants had to find out from the submitted photos who owned the costumes and ornamental embroidery on the clothes. In the contest “Pick up a proverb”, it was necessary to pick up similar Chechen proverbs to Russian proverbs.
In small reports prepared by the participants of the folk lesson, it was told about national languages, the importance of learning the native language.
“Language is the basis of any national culture, it is an important part in people’s lives. The whole culture of the people, their traditions, customs, history, peculiarities of life, traditions, are reflected in their language, so as long as the language is alive, then the people are alive,” the speakers noted.
The thematic lesson ended with reading poems about the motherland in Russian and Chechen.
The book exposition “Multinational Russia” helped to hold a folk lesson, which introduced the participants of the event to the rich cultural heritage of our country.