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Endangered Writing Network: Launch Event

24/02/2023 17:00 - 18:30

Cambridge | Zoom

About the Endangered Writing Network

Many writing traditions around the world today, often associated with endangered, minority or indigenous languages, are in danger of being lost. Writing is an important area of culture, and one closely linked with the vitality of languages as many communities struggle to find visibility and even develop basic educational materials in their own languages.

The Endangered Writing Network aims to bring together a wide range of people – academics, language activists, typographers, artists, other interested individuals and crucially members of affected communities themselves – to try to make a difference to the threatened writing traditions of the world. Using unique insights from research on ancient languages and writing systems, and bringing these observations into dialogue with other areas of research and activism, the Network will create a forum for discussion of these important issues, and the impetus to do something about them.


Launch Event

To join this important conversation, please join us for an online launch event on Friday 24th February 2023, 17.00 GMT. All are welcome.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92866531557?pwd=Um8zSWhHVW1WczREcmZIa3dDbnBvdz09