International Conference on Language Technologies for All (LT4All 2.0) “Advancing Humanism through Language Technologies”
Multilingualism plays a pivotal role in fostering social development by promoting inclusion, preserving cultural heritage, and empowering language communities. Language Technologies (LT), nurtured in research laboratories for half a century, are now being integrated into a wide range of applications. However, the benefits and access to these technologies vary significantly across more than 7,500 languages spoken worldwide, highlighting the need for continued efforts to ensure linguistic diversity and inclusion in the digital age.
The first International Conference on Language Technology for All (LT4All 1.0), held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris in 2019, themed “Multilingualism for Building Knowledge Societies,” highlighted the critical role of language and advanced technology, including artificial intelligence, in fostering inclusive, cross-cultural dialogues. The conference addressed various aspects of multilingualism, ranging from language preservation to the influence of digital technologies on communication, and examined the interplay between technologies and languages from scientific, technical, cultural, linguistic, economic, and political perspectives. Reportedly, the 2019 conference spurred significant initiatives by various research institutions and major technological companies toward developing language technologies for a wider range of languages. These initiatives include the creation of language resources and the advancement of language technologies, thereby expanding the reach and effectiveness of these tools across diverse linguistic communities.
Despite significant progress in language technology, many communities continue to be left behind. The critical issue extends beyond merely creating language technologies; it encompasses the need for meaningful collaboration with communities to develop solutions that meet their specific needs. In this context, the second edition of International Conference on Language Technology for All (LT4All 2.0 – will be organized on 24 to 26 February 2025, at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. This conference will be organized within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) and will commemorate the Silver Jubilee celebration of the International Mother Language Day in 2025.
The conference will be organized by the international Language Resources Association (ELRA) and its Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL), and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), in partnership with UNESCO.
More than 400 representatives from Governments, UN agencies, academia, language technology companies, researchers, linguists, indigenous communities, and language policymakers are expected to attend the event. The conference will draw conclusions and recommendations, and contribute to the Global Action Plan of the International Decade on Indigenous Languages and contribute in the implementation of UNESCO 2003 Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace.