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Interregional competition of Tatar children’s folk art “Salavat Kupere”

The founders of the competition:

Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region;
GAUK SO “Sverdlovsk State Regional Palace of Folk Art” (SGODNT);
Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars, Kazan
Municipal cultural institution “National Cultural Complex S.Arakayevo”.
The organizers of the competition:

Municipal cultural institution “National Cultural Complex S.Arakaevo”
Goals and objectives of the competition:

Acquaintance with different genres of Tatar national culture;
revival of Tatar folk traditions, customs and rituals;
creation of optimal conditions for the development of Tatar national culture and art;
attracting young people and the younger generation to the preservation and development of folk traditions;
revival and development of folk crafts and crafts;
promotion of national art, popularization of the best works of Tatar literature and art, education of respect and love for the Motherland, patriotism;
identification and creation of new creative teams;
exchange of experience, raising the level of performing skills of the teams.
Procedure and conditions of the event:

The interregional competition of Tatar children’s folk art “Salavat Kupere” is held on March 23, 2024 at the Municipal Cultural Institution “National Cultural Complex S.Arakaevo” (Nizhneserginsky district of the Sverdlovsk region, village of Arakaevo, Molodezhnaya str., 14a).

Children’s amateur groups of the following genres and directions are invited to participate in the competition:

song and dance ensembles;
folklore (ethnographic) collectives;
vocal ensembles, choirs;
choreographic groups;
instrumental orchestras and ensembles.
The performance program of creative teams must correspond to the declared nomination, consist of one or more works with a total duration of no more than 10 minutes.

The number of team members is unlimited.

To participate in the competition, it is necessary to send an application to the organizers by March 11, 2024 (Appendix 1) by e-mail: salavatarakaevo@mail.ru .

Applications submitted after March 11, 2024 will not be accepted!

The events within the framework of the competition for the audience are held by the organizers free of charge.

There is no organizational fee for participation in the competition.

The Organizing Committee:

The work on the preparation and holding of the competition is carried out by the organizing committee, formed from representatives of organizations and founders.

The Organizing Committee determines the program of the competition, the procedure for its conduct, forms a working group, considers applications for participation, approves its participants and nominations.


A competent jury is created to evaluate the competitive performances. The jury of the competition will include prominent figures of culture and art of the Sverdlovsk region and the Republic of Tatarstan. Based on the results of viewing the competition, the jury determines:

Laureates and Diploma holders in each nomination;
holders of special diplomas.
The jury has the right not to award a degree, to divide degrees, to award or not to award special diplomas. The decision of the jury of the competition is not subject to appeal and revision.

The participating teams will be awarded with diplomas and souvenirs.

Contact phone numbers:

Phone: +79533800094
e-mail: salavatarakaevo@mail.ru

Gubaev Salavat Sagetdinovich – Director of the MUK “National Cultural Complex S.Arakaevo” author and project manager
+79045475631 Gubaeva Elvira Kashapovna – Deputy Director of the MUC “NKK S.Arakaevo