Literary and local history hour “Pedagogical heritage of I. Ya.Yakovlev”
24/04/2023 0:00 - 26/07/2023 0:00
Аликово | 13 Советская Аликово, Чувашская Республика Российская Федерация
On April 25, our republic celebrates the Day of the Chuvash language, which symbolically coincides with the birthday of the great educator and founder of the new Chuvash writing Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev. As part of the Year of the Teacher and Mentor and the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Chuvash educator I. Ya. Yakovlev, a literary and local history hour “The Pedagogical Heritage of I. Ya. Yakovlev” was held in the Alikov Central Library. The event was attended by 9th grade students of MBOU “Alikovskaya Secondary School named after I. Ya. Yakovlev”. The library staff told about the life and work of the outstanding educator: about the childhood and youth of Ivan Yakovlevich, about his studies at the Simbirsk men’s gymnasium and at the Faculty of History and Philology at Kazan University, about the creation of the Chuvash alphabet and the first Chuvash primer, about the organization of the women’s department with two-year courses at the Simbirsk Chuvash school, about his family. Librarians told about the formation and development of pedagogical views, about his system of education