Living with Water. Decolonizing approaches to environmental justice / Viviendo con Agua. Enfoques descolonizadores hacia la justicia ambiental
19/06/2023 16:00 - 20:00
Warsaw | Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity, Faculty of "Artes Liberales", University of Warsaw
Living with Water. Decolonizing approaches to environmental justice.
Viviendo con Agua. Enfoques descolonizadores hacia la justicia ambiental
19 June 2023, Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity,
Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, and Zoom:
Organizers of the event: Stanisław Kordasiewicz & Justyna Olko
Co-organizing Partners: Americas Research Network and Recovering Voices, Smithsonian Institution
The increase in environmental rights legislation worldwide (e.g. in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Aotearoa New Zealand, United States, Mexico, Canada, as well as many initiatives within the EU) demonstrates the importance and urgent need to improve and bring to a more equitable co-existence the current relations between humans and nature, which are behind many local ecological disasters and the global climate crisis.
However, the implementation of new legal initiatives and practical results often fall short of their initial goal. In many Indigenous Communities and among the rights of nature movement, a prominent place is reserved for water in oceans, rivers, lakes, and wetlands. It is the local Native knowledge, developed, enriched, applied and transmitted for
centuries, that offers powerful tools and environmentally sensitive solutions to the current challenges faced by humanity.
During the seminar, we would like to discuss the historical and contemporary aspects of living with water and balanced forms of water management in Indigenous / local communities, focusing mainly on decolonizing approaches to environmental justice. General themes will include:
• River Rights – lessons learned and perspectives for the Future
• Traditional Ecological Knowledge and water management
• Indigenous Communities and their struggles for environmental justice
• Solutions for more balanced and equitable relationships between
humans and nature in the context of water rights and different
forms of diversity
Download the short program: Living with water. Viviendo con Agua. Seminar Program. 19 June 2023
The program includes three different time zone indications in the following order:
Poland [CEST] / USA [EDT] / Mexico [CST]
Starting times for each time zone: 16:00/ 10:00 / 8:00
Concluding session times: 20:00 / 14:00 / 12:00
More information on the seminar website: