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MK CR in the cultural center of Art. Chervlennaya of the Shelkovsky municipal district held the annual Republican festival of folk art of ethnocultural centers “Shining of Cultures”

Today the Folk Art Center of the MK CR in the cultural center of Art. Chervlennaya of the Shelkovsky municipal district held the annual Republican festival of folk art of ethnocultural centers “Shining of Cultures”, dedicated to the celebration of National Unity Day. The main objective of the festival is the revival, preservation and development of the original culture of the ethnic centers of the Chechen Republic, the exchange of cultural experience between representatives of different nationalities inhabiting the region, strengthening creative contacts, friendship and mutual understanding of peoples, supporting the dialogue of cultures, which should become one of the incentives to ensure peace and social stability in the republic. The festival brought together a constellation of cultures of the peoples of our multinational republic. These are people of different destinies, people who speak different languages, preserve their culture, their identity, honor the traditions of their ancestors, but they are all united by love for their homeland, love for their Motherland! The grand opening of the event began with welcoming words from the director of the CSK Shelkovsky municipal district K. K. Dibirov. He congratulated the audience on the holiday and noted the importance of the festival, since such events educate citizens who know and love their Motherland, language and culture. Creative groups of the Nogai, Tatar, Kumyk, Avar, Cossack and Russian cultural centers prepared a rich cultural program imbued with unusual ethnographic energy. An interesting exhibition-fair of household items and household utensils of various ethnic groups living in the Chechen Republic was also held in the foyer of the Palace of Culture. At the end, all ethnocultural centers of the Chechen Republic were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.