On February 28, on the International Day of “Kalevala”, the presentation of the books “KniiguMelličču”, published in the Publishing House “Periodica” in 2022, took place.
28/02/2023 0:00 - 0:00
Petrozavodsk | 3, G.Titov str.
Last year the publishing house released 14 editions. Among them are educational and children’s literature, historical and dramatic works, poems and prose.
Periodical’s books are its own book projects, books published under grants from public organizations, as well as publications issued with the financial support of the Ministry of National and Regional Policy of the Republic of Karelia.
At the expense of the republican and federal budgets, the publishing house has released 4 books:
– the play “Nostalgia” by S. Cantervo,
– “Grammatical and orthographic dictionary of the Karelian language” T.P. Boyko,
– collection of folklore texts “Peter the Famous Tsar: Karelian folklore texts about Peter I” by V.P.Mironova,
– collection of Karelian runes retold for children “Runoskazki-2” by D.A.Dmitriev.
Last year was rich in “runic” books: 4 editions dedicated to Karelian mythology and folklore were released.