Scientific and practical conference “Lyubov Gribova – historian, ethnographer, folklorist”
20/10/2023 9:00 - 20:00
Kudymkar | 9 Studencheskaya street, Kudymkar, Perm Krai, 619000, Russian Federation
On October 20, 2023, the Komi-Permyak Ethnocultural Center will host a scientific and practical conference “Lyubov Gribova – historian, ethnographer, folklorist”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of L.S. Gribova.
The Conference will include a plenary session and the work of sections on the stated topic, the presentation of the book “Wonderful people of Parma. Lyubov Gribova”, master classes in decorative and applied art.
The following topics will be discussed during the conference: L.S. Gribova’s contribution to the study of ethnography, history and spiritual culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples; actual problems in the field of archeology, ethnography and traditional folk culture of the peoples of Russia; ways of interaction between institutions of science, culture and education; research and project activities in the field of science, education and culture.
Historians, ethnographers, linguists, cultural scientists, folklorists are invited to participate in the conference.
The conference is held by order of the Ministry of the Komi-Permyak District of Perm Krai under the project “Ниммез” (Names) of the Perm Krai state program “Society and Power”.