Shifting the Narrative, Reclaiming Ourselves: Indigenous Language Revitalization & Digital Activism
01/04/2023 9:00 - 11:00
Brentwood Bay | Zoom
Join language champions from BC First Nations and Mayan communities to share learning in language revitalization, technology, and digital activism! This event will be in English and Spanish, with live interpretation. You can join the event on Zoom.
¡Únase a defensores de la lengua de las Primeras Naciones de BC y comunidades mayas compartiendo aprendizajes sobre revitalización lingüística, tecnología y activismo digital! Este evento será en inglés y español, con interpretación en vivo. Puedes asistir al evento en Zoom.
This event will be the conclusion of a 3-day workshop series, “Shifting the Narrative, Reclaiming Ourselves: Indigenous Language Revitalization & Digital Activism,” led by language champions from BC First Nations & Maya communities. While the main workshop on March 27-29 was just for the participants (not open to the public), we invite you all to join us for a closing presentation panel on April 1!
This workshop brought together language activists from First Nations in British Columbia, Canada, and Maya communities in Yucatan, Mexico. Over three days, they shared what they are doing to revitalize and strengthen their languages through technology, and developed connections and networks across borders.
At this panel, workshop participants will be sharing ideas, learning, and connections from the workshop, and answering any questions you would like to ask.
The panel will be hosted by two wonderful language activists, chuutsqa Layla Rorick (Hesquiaht) and Yazmín Novelo (Maya).
Join on Zoom: