The day of the first fish. Kamchatka Region.
12/06/2023 13:00 - 17:00
Петропавловск-Камчатский | 4 Ozernaya str., Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683001, Russian Federation.
The venue for the Day of the first fish was two sites: on the territory of the Ozernovskaya spit on the shore of Avacha Bay and in the ethno-village “Visiting Kutha”. Galina Kravchenko, an employee of the Kamchatka Folk Art Center, was a guide for the audience to the world of national traditions.
The bearers of the primordial knowledge conducted the ceremony according to the Itelmen traditions: with great respect and gratitude, small boats made of tree bark with pieces of cooked ritual food were sent along the waves of Avacha Bay as an offering to the Spirit of Water.
Then the ceremony according to the Koryak traditions took place (the rite of luring fish). From fresh grass and leaves, the elders wove a pigtail-a rope on which they tied the spine and the head of the fish. One end of the pigtail was attached to an alder branch. The elders went down to the water’s edge, threw one side of the grass pigtail into the water and with great difficulty pulled it against the current, depicting by their actions how many fish were caught in the net.
Not only creative teams, but also the audience of the festival actively participated in the ceremonies.
A rich concert and educational program unfolded at the ethnographic site “Visiting Kutha”. The national ensembles “KORITEV” and “Uykoal” performed their best creative numbers.
A fish cutting contest was also held. The audience of the festival took part in the game program, tried their hand at national dances, learned to speak the Koryak language. A master class on making an ethnic bracelet, conducted by the master of DPI Lilia Aslapova, gathered participants of all ages. A children’s playground with contests and interactive games worked separately. An exhibition of masters of traditional crafts was presented at the festival. Everyone tasted Kamchatka fish soup and fragrant herbal tea. The event ended with a general round dance, which was helped by the participants of the public association “League of HARAvod. Circle of friends.” The atmosphere of friendship and unity reigned on the site, adults and children gathered in a round dance.
The Day of the first fish is included in the register of official holidays of the Kamchatka Territory and is held annually. Its purpose is to introduce the population to the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, increase interest in folk holidays, revive traditions and customs, expand knowledge about traditional folk holidays.