The epic poem “Kalevala” is now available in Vepsian: a new edition of the famous epic was presented at the House of Friendship of the Peoples of Karelia
30/11/2022 0:00 - 31/12/2022 0:00
Petrozavodsk | 4, Engels str, Petrozavodsk, 185000, Russian Federation
“Kalevala” has been translated into more than 60 languages, and now into Version. The full translation was made by Nina Zaitseva, Doctor of Philology.
According to the author of the translation, the work was long and difficult, but the appearance of the Veps–speaking “Kalevala” is a significant event for all Veps, one of the ways to preserve the language.
The publication also contains a Russian-language translation by Armas Mishin and Eino Kiuru, which allows readers to better understand the mythology and daily life of the characters.
The book was released within the project of the public organization “Society of Veps Culture” “Native language is always with you – Kelʼt ei jüged kandišta” with the support of the Grant Fund of the Head of the Republic of Karelia.