The presentation of a book “Nyavremlam Poslangne Unangki Monschat” by Zinaida Longortova
11/08/2022 0:00 - 0:00
The village of Yamgort, Shuryshkarsky district | The village of Yamgort, Shuryshkarsky district
Residents of the village of Yamgort, Shuryshkarsky district, took part in a creative meeting organized by Zinaida Longortova on the occasion of the presentation of her book “Nyavremlam Poslangne Unangki Monschat” (Tales of Grandmother Poslangne, the grandmother of my children).
The author told how she met Grandmother Poslanne, how the first recordings of fairy tales were made, and what difficulties she had to face when decrypting the recordings. Grandmother Poslangne’s great-granddaughter was one of the most attentive listeners.
At the end of the event, the audience watched a military drama “Hon Yush. Way from the Ob”, based on real events that took place in Shuryshkarsky district during the war. The movie tells about the hardships of the Great Patriotic War, the trials our fellow citizens had to face on the banks of the great Siberian river Ob, and the contribution of the indigenous peoples of the North to the common victory over fascism.
The event took place within the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and the International Day of Indigenous Peoples.