The regional festival of Cossack culture “Cossack valor. Following the traditions…”
Founder of the festival: Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region.
The organizers of the festival: GAUK SO “Sverdlovsk State Regional Palace of Folk Art” (hereinafter – GAUK SO “SGODNT”); Orenburg military Cossack Society.
Goals and objectives of the festival: The main purpose of the festival is to preserve, develop and popularize the original Cossack culture, which is of exceptional value from a historical, artistic and aesthetic point of view.
The objectives of the festival:
support and development of amateur creative groups and solo performers of the Sverdlovsk region, Cossack societies;
expanding the repertoire range of amateur creative groups and solo performers of the Sverdlovsk region, Cossack societies;
exchange of creative experience and involvement of new participants in the process of studying and mastering the best examples of traditional Cossack culture;
moral and patriotic education of the younger generation;
formation of historical continuity based on the study of diverse traditions and forms of manifestation of the culture of the Cossacks;
creating conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the participants;
attracting the attention of state authorities and local governments, institutions and organizations, creative and public unions, foundations, and the media to the process of preserving, reviving and promoting the culture of the Cossacks in traditional and modern forms.
Dates of the festival:
The regional festival of Cossack culture “Cossack valor. Following the traditions…” will be held on April 27, 2024 at the GAUK SB “SGODNT” at the address: Yekaterinburg, Festivalnaya str., 12.
Terms of participation and the procedure for conducting:
Amateur Cossack authentic (ethnographic), folklore, stage creative groups and individual performers of the Sverdlovsk region, representing various genre directions (musical, song, dance, instrumental, vocal art, festive and ceremonial culture) in authentic, secondary and stylized forms, are invited to participate in the festival.
The regional festival of Cossack culture “Cossack valor. Following the traditions …” is held in two rounds:
The first round (in absentia) from February 26 to March 29, 2024 is a qualifying round based on the provided video materials.
The program of the performance of the collective (individual performer) should include two different works, with a total duration of no more than 12 minutes.
In the program of the festival:
The festival program with the participation of creative teams and individual performers of the Sverdlovsk region.
The “guest of the Festival” is the Ural State Academic Russian Folk Choir, artistic director Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Zaitsev.
As part of the festival, the organizer will present an exhibition of household items and costume complexes “Kazachye Podvorye”.
Summing up and awarding the participants of the festival:
All participants are awarded with Diplomas of the festival and souvenirs.
Following the results of the festival, one soloist and one creative team will be awarded with special commemorative gifts in honor of the 450th anniversary of the seniority of the Orenburg Military Cossack Society.
Organizational and financial conditions of the festival:
The financing of the festival is carried out at the expense of special-purpose funds allocated by the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region for the organization
and holding of the festival.
Travel expenses of the participants of the second round (meals, travel to and from the venue) are carried out by the sending party or the participants themselves.
Contact information:
Shirshova Galina Illarionovna – Head of the department-Center for the development of Cossack culture GAUK SB “SGODNT” – Phone: +79506447437
Veronika Sergeevna Kaneva is a specialist in interaction with Cossack societies of the Department–Center for the Development of Cossack Culture of the GAUK SB “SGODNT” –
Phone: +79506457091,
8(343)360-55-63 (ext. 125)