Tutela Del Multilinguismo: Diritti, Formazione Culturale, Media E Nuove Tecnologie
19/02/2022 11:00 - 13:00
Multilingualism preservation: rights, cultural education, media, new technologies.
The theme of the conference conceived by dr. Massimiliano Verde, President of the Neapolitan Academy and organized in collaboration with the Council of the Naples Bar Association as well as the “Alfredo De Marsico” Library of Castel Capuano, is multilingualism as a principle and value protected by international law.
On the occasion of the 2022 International day of the Mother language, we introduce the case of the Neapolitan language as a historical and cultural heritage of the Neapolitan community in Italy and abroad, also in relation to training, media, and new technologies.
In this sense, it will be considered the multidisciplinary work of the Neapolitan Academy, for the protection of the Neapolitan language and culture, as well as for the promotion of Neapolitan speakers, primarily women, and children, as well as social and cultural experiences developed by teachers and activists.
The seminar will highlight, also pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the actual situation of the Neapolitan, a language codified by UNESCO as vulnerable and transmitted as a mother tongue.
The conference deliberately organized in conjunction with the celebration of the world day of the mother tongue, 21 February, sparked a debate precisely on the importance of the Neapolitan language understood as a mother tongue of belonging and, as such, protected and disseminated as a subject of study in schools precisely to safeguard the cultural heritage of this land.
In Italy, Neapolitan is considered a very bad way and it’s very hard to teach it.
It is treated as a vulgar or folkloric dialect or worse a language of the crime.
The Symposium opened with the greetings of Dr. Patrizia Intonti President of the CDA Ente Biblioteca A.de Marsico who underlined the desire to support this important cause, opening the doors of the majestic library to welcome all present, and with the introductory speech. of the lawyer Antonio Tafuri President of the Naples Bar Association.
Dr. Carmine Foresta, Director of the Naples Bar Association, intervened; Avv.Gennaro Danise President of Alma Mundi and Honorary Consul of Nicaragua; Angela Parlato Counselor II Municipality of Naples, President of the Social Policy Commission, DAMM activist, and Sgarrupato;
Dr. Teresa De Giulio President of the School and Culture Commission, Councilor of the IX Municipality of Naples and Bianca Verde activist DAMM and Sgarrupato and Luca De Martino of “Sii Turista della Tua Città”, association.
Dr. Verde, starting from the declarations of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution of 16 May 2007 on multilingualism, then cited articles 2,3,6,9,21,33 of the Italian Constitution;
art. 29 of the Convention on the rights of children and adolescents; art.17 Istanbul Convention.
From them, Verde extrapolated the necessary ideas to explain to the audience the need to attribute to the Neapolitan his right role not only from the cultural point of view but also and above all from the ethical one.
Attorney Bouché and his illustrious colleagues have corroborated Dr. Verde’s thesis by also supporting it from a legal point of view. Also, Verde talked about the work of the Accademia Napoletana in Italy and abroad in cooperation with other similar organizations (UNACH, University of Athens, NYU, etc.) and other initiatives to save Neapolitan (didactic projects, radio, podcasting, publications, etc.)
All the interventions that followed were of enormous socio-cultural importance, they explored the issue by descending into the maze of the problem highlighted.
Also was showed contributions from Brasil and USA by Verde’s academic supporters to evidence the dramatic situation of the Neapolitan language in Italy overall about women and children. Italian mass-media representation of them is a problem too.
The conference enjoys the moral patronage of the Consulate of the Republic of Nicaragua, competent for the Campania Region.