UNPFII Side event on IDIL2022-2032 Global Action Plan
26/04/2022 13:00 - 14:30
New York | UN Headquarters
The United Nations General Assembly Resolution (Ref.: A/74/396, 18 December 2019) proclaimed the International Decade of Indigenous Languages between 2022 and 2032, inviting UNESCO to serve as the lead agency for its implementation, in collaboration with UNDESA and other relevant agencies. The Resolution also invited Member States to consider establishing national mechanisms with adequate funding for the successful implementation of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032) in partnership with Indigenous peoples, and invites Indigenous peoples, as custodians of their own languages, to initiate and develop appropriate measures for the implementation of the International Decade.
To ensure international cooperation and joint and coordinated action among stakeholders in the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032), UNESCO, in cooperation with the members of the Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages and a wide range of partners, prepared a Global Action Plan. It provides a strategic framework, outlines major outcomes, outputs and actions, and guides implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities for UN-system entities, national governments, Indigenous peoples’ organizations, civil society, academia, and the private sector.
In the context of the 21st session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), UNESCO is organizing a side event dedicated to the Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032) on 26 April 2022 between 13.00 p.m. and 14.30 p.m. (Eastern Time) using Zoom online facilities.
The side-event will be an opportunity to discuss strategies planned and implemented at global, regional, national and institutional levels for the implementation of the Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, as well as share good practices that Indigenous People have implemented, and propose steps to be taken to curb the critical loss of Indigenous languages over the Decade and beyond.
Objectives of the side event
- Discuss strategies for the implementation of the Global Action Plan of the International Decade at the regional, national and local levels, as well as engagement of Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, Indigenous youth and professional organizations
- Harness multi-stakeholder cooperation in the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages
- Identify good practices which could be easily applied across distinct locations, domains and stakeholders
Interpretation services will be provided in English and Spanish.
To attend the event, please register here