V Finno-Ugric Literary Festival “Ловлӧн бикыв” (The Flame of the Soul)
07/07/2023 15:00 - 08/07/2023 20:00
Kudymkar | 9 Studencheskaya street, Kudymkar, Perm Krai, 619000, Russian Federation
On July 7-8, the Komi-Permyak Ethno-Cultural Center will host the V Finno-Ugric Literary Festival “Lovlӧn bikyv” (The Flame of the Soul). The guests and participants of the festival will be poets, prose writers, bards from the Perm Region and Finno-Ugric regions of Russia.
On July 7, the conference “Translation of national literatures into Russian as a way to preserve the national diversity of Russia”, the premiere of the puppet performance “On the Throne of the Universe” based on Komi-Permian mythology will take place at the festival. Guests of the festival can take part in the excursion programs “Literary Kudymkar”, “The Art of ceramics”.
A literary lecture hall will be held on July 8. Literary critic, translator, associate Professor of the Department of Literary Translation of the Gorky Literary Institute, Candidate of Philological Sciences Vera Panteleeva will present two lectures to the festival participants: “The Abc truths of literary translation: a workshop for young translators” and “Translation linguistics: losses and compensations, text and context”.
The festival will end with a literary and musical mix “Lovlӧn bikyv” in the I.Y.Krivoshchekov City Park, where festival participants will present their poetic and musical creativity to residents and guests of Kudymkar.