Webinar – Launch of Publication “State of the Art of Indigenous Languages in Research”
20/05/2022 10:00 - 17:00
Paris | Online
In December 2018, to mark the beginning of International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL2019), a Global Call for Research Papers was launched, inviting researchers to submit research papers on Indigenous languages that demonstrate a diversity of scholarship around the world in the many different settings of Indigenous languages in multilingual and linguistically diverse societies, with an emphasis on disadvantaged language communities.
Overall, 278 research papers were submitted in 2019, of which 195 in English, 6 in French and 77 in Spanish by researchers, experts, and practitioners from 63 countries, specialized in Indigenous and language-related issues. To carry out a comprehensive review of the submitted papers, the members of the Steering Committee of the International Year established an international peer review team, including leading linguists, Indigenous researchers and experts with different specializations, under the guidance of a chief researcher and editor.
The final collection of research papers includes 39 research papers (27 in English, 8 in Spanish and 4 in French) and articles by peer-reviewers presenting key research outcomes, their observations, and recommendations for the future research.
Please consult the publication here.
This preparation of the benefited from the generous support provided the Government of Estonia and the Government of Japan.
To launch this initiative, a one-day webinar will be organized on 20 May 2022, involving the participation of the authors of the selected research papers and the peer-reviewers, who will present their work and engage in a dialogue on the state of Indigenous languages research across different topics. This initiative is launched in the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032), for which UNESCO acts as lead UN Agency.
Interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish through ZOOM facilities.