Every Language Hides a World. Opening event of the United Nations’ International Indigenous Languages Decade in Estonia
06/05/2022 14:00 - 17:00
Tallinn | Tallinn Writers' House Black Ceiling Hall
Opening event of the United Nations’ International Indigenous Languages Decade in Estonia, May 6th, 2022
Greeting TBC
Sven-Erik Soosaar – UN Indigenous Peoples’ Forum Expert, Linguist (PhD) “The role of United Nations Indigenous Peoples’ Forum during the Indigenous Languages Decade”
Martin Ehala – Linguist (PhD) “Big languages should reduce their language ecological footprint”
What are the hopes and expectations for the decade of indigenous languages? What could change and what actions should be taken?
Anne-Ly Reimaa – Head of International Relations on Integration Issues of Estonian Ministry of Culture; Sirli Zupping – Adviser at Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Head of the Finno-Ugric Programme Board; Rein Oidekivi – Adviser for International Organizations and Human Rights Bureau of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ave Grenberg – Director of Institute Mulgi Culture, Cooperation Council of Estonia’s Indigenous Languages; Marju Kõivupuu – Tallinn University senior researcher, speaker of the Võru language
Finno-ugric folk songs
Musical greetings from the Sami indigenous nation by Katarina Barruk, who represents the Umea Sami language with only a dozen of speakers.
Fenno Ugria NGO, Ministry of Culture of Estonia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Ministry of Education and Science of Estonia, UNESCO Office in Estonia, Estonian Language Institute