In May of this year, the Republican Term and Spelling Commission under the Head of the Republic of Karelia celebrates the 25th anniversary of its activity
19/05/2023 11:00 - 15:00
Petrozavodsk | 3, G. Titov str.
On May 25, 1998, by the Decree of the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Karelia, in order to accelerate the development of the Karelian and Vepsian languages and streamline terminology in these languages, in accordance with the resolution of the III Congress of Karelians of the Republic of Karelia, the Republican Term-Spelling Commission was formed.
A round table on terminology, spelling and toponymy in the languages of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Karelia, which will be held on May 19, 2023 in Petrozavodsk, is dedicated to this event.
The round table is expected, among other things, to discuss issues of preservation, development, popularization of the Karelian and Vepsian languages, creation of conditions for their use in public space, the media, the media sphere, the Internet.