27/01/2023 12:00 - 14:00
Yekaterinburg | Sverdlovsk Regional Polyethnic Library
At January 27 (a birthday of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov – one of the main writers of our region, a writer whose name is firmly connected with the Ural land, and whose work is inseparable from local folklore) a literary and artistic program “Tale after Tale” took place in the Interethnic Library.
Olga Kalinina, Director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library, Sergey Polyganov, Director of the BAZHOV Charitable Foundation, and Lyudmila Berg, Deputy Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region, greeted the participants of the event. Lyudmila Berg also read a passage from the tale “The Silver Hoof”, launching a kind of marathon, during which excerpts from Bazhov’stales, translated into the languages of the Middle Urals.
Anpassage from the tale “Golden Hair” was read in Bashkir language. This is one of the best tales of Pavel Bazhov, a fascinating story of a strong and brave Bashkir hunter who fell in love with a beautiful girl with a golden braid – the daughter of an almighty Snake who had power over all the precious metal in the world, written in a colorful and rich folk poetic language. Svetlana Gavrish, the chief librarian, read the passage in Russian, and Ruslan Saubanov, a methodologist at the Bashkir Historical and Cultural Center in the Sverdlovsk Region, translated itintoBashkir language.
Most of Pavel Bazhov’s tales are based on the legends of the Ural mining workers and the mythology of the indigenous peoples of the Urals. According to one version, the image of the “forest goat” in the tale “Silver Hoof” was formed from the ideas of the Mansi people, who have a myth about the Great Elk, who descended to the ground sometimes and people put for him silver dishesfull of coins, precious stones and gems. Therefore precious stones splash out when silver hoofbeats his hoovesin a Bazhov’s tale.
Apassage from the tale “Silver Hoof” in Kazakh language was read by Zhanat Karakobenova, a memder of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization “Eurasia – Kazakhstan”. The librarian Irina Urusova read the same passage in Russian.
The third passage that was read named “The Stone Flower” – it’s a first tale from the trilogy about masterDanila. This character had a real prototype – it was Danila Zverev, a famous stonecutter from the Koltashi village in Urals. Today one of the streets of Yekaterinburg is namedafter this famous man. A passagefrom the tale “Stone Flower” in Kyrgyz language was read by Altynai Askarova, a member of the national cultural autonomy “Muras”.
Literary heritage of PavelBazhov is unique and amazing, it leaves no one indifferent and inspires many poets and artists. Irina Urusovasang the song “Bazhovskaya storonka” (words: Kovalev, music: V. Salchinsky).
At the end of the event a quiz was held for all participants. The winners were awarded with gifts from the Bazhov Charitable Foundation and the Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library.