The National Cultural Center of the Kumandinsky culture of the Krasnogorsk district
01/01/2022 0:00 - 31/12/2022 0:00
село Красногорское | село Красногорское
The National Cultural Center of the Kumandinsky culture of the Krasnogorsk district was opened in 2013 on the basis of the municipal budget cultural institution “Malinovsky Cultural and Leisure Center”. The center is headed by Amirova Aisha Dzhuldybayevna.
The Kumandins are a small indigenous people of the Altai Territory, numbering 1,500 representatives, living mainly along the Biya River. The center’s activities are aimed at preserving the Kumandin culture, developing the ethno-cultural potential of the indigenous people, their folk arts and crafts. The center has become a place of revival of the spiritual heritage of the Kumandin culture, contributes to the restoration of historical continuity of culture on the basis of national traditions.
In 2022, many different events were held on the basis of the Center within the framework of the regional program “Implementation of the State National Policy in the Altai Territory”. In March, an exhibition-presentation “Native language is the heritage of the people” was held for schoolchildren of the Krasnogorsk district. At the exhibition in the Museum of Local Lore, young visitors got acquainted with the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the area – the Kumandins.
On the same March, a children’s holiday “Journey to the country of “Kumandy Til” (Kumandy language) took place. The children got acquainted with methodological and fiction literature in the Kumandinsky and Russian languages, took part in various games, thanks to which they learned new words in the Kumandinsky language, and tasted tuttpach noodles along with national cakes and sweets.
On July 24, within the framework of the regional program “Implementation of the state national policy in the Altai Territory”, the project “The Living Thread of Times” was implemented. The Kumandinsky festival of children’s creativity “Chash Kanat” was held in Krasnogorsk. The participants of the festival presented their performances in the categories of vocal, artistic word, choreography, fine arts and decorative and applied creativity. 89 children took part in the festival, while most of the participants performed in national costumes. Everyone received diplomas of the participant and souvenirs, and the winners were also awarded prizes.
On October 9, the national Kumandinsky fertility festival “Kocha Kan” took place. According to Kumandin beliefs, Kocha-Kan is a mythical deity personifying the symbol of fertility. The holiday was held on a grand scale, it united the Kumandins of the Altai Territory and contributed to the revival of the national tradition.
On November 23 and 24, the national cultural center of the Kumandin culture held a master class for students of the Malinovskaya school on making Kumandin amulets from woolen threads. The children were explained the peculiarities of weaving and decorating products.
The specialists of the center annually hold various events within the framework of educational activities of the local population, traditional celebrations for the preservation and development of the national Kumandin culture, collect objects of both material and non-material culture of their people. A museum room has been opened on the basis of the center, where you can get acquainted with national household items, handicrafts and materials about the first Kumandins who settled in the Krasnogorsk district.