The winners of the Saltykov, Laptsui, and Irikov literary prize were named in Yamal
28/04/2022 0:00 - 31/05/2022 0:00
Salekhard | Salekhard
The winners of the Saltykov, Laptsui, and Irikov literary prize were named in Yamal.
According to the results of the competition Zoya Karsavina became one of the winners in 2022.
Zoya Karsavina, a teacher of the Selkup language from Krasnoselkupsky area in Yamal, won the competition in the category The Native Speech. In her story she tells about love for her native land, language and traditions of the Selkup people. The plot is built around the impressions of the summer holidays the author spent in her native area Devil’s Lakes. The writer is particularly skillful at methodology of teaching the Selkup language in elementary school. Her students are multiple prizewinners of competitions in the Selkup language.
According to the conditions of the competition Zoya Karsavina will receive a monetary prize of 50 thousand roubles.